They flew in Thursday night, and skiied all day on Friday while Will and I worked. Then Saturday we had a big adventure.
First we all stopped and bought lottery tickets!

This was NOT the winning ticket...

None of us won, but we haven't given up hope...we have another ticket for the drawing tomorrow night ($133 million) so keep your fingers crossed for us!
So we drove up to Fort Collins to take the New Belguim brewery tour again, but had to wait for an hour and half for the tour so we went to two other breweries while we were waiting...
Here is Sandy...

We hopped on the bikes outside the brewery for a photo op. All the employees get a bike from New Belguim once they have worked there for a year.

The boys went inside to try on hats...

So next we went to O'Dell brewery down the street and tasted some beer. We opted to skip the tour, but tasted 10 different beers. None of which I liked, but the guys liked some...

Will, Erik, Sandy, and me...

Our beer...we didn't really like alot of it...

So next we went to Fort Collins Brewery and tasted more beer. We don't think they had a tour, so we just hung out at the bar...

We had some creative photographers in our group this weekend...

We had a photo op behind the bar...

Finally we made it to New Belguim for a tour. Our tour was different than the one we took a couple of weeks ago; our tour guide was extremely peppy and long-winded.
Erik was excited to be there...

After our tour we, of course, tasted more beer!
And we all got carded...

Tasting the beer...

Erik was sad to leave...

Our last stop of the day was at Budweiser. We opted to take the tour this time. The photographers in the car took lots of photos of the building on our drive there.

Will and Erik at the gates of our tour...

Big barrels of beachwood on the tour...

After the tour we visited the Budweiser horses and carriage, and then what else...tasted beer! I opted out on this one, but the boys said the beer wasn't good after tasting beer at the three other breweries.
The freshiest Budweiser we ever saw...

Just a good picture of my photographic husband...

This is what we did every evening while Erik and Sandy visited...they're playing Scrable in this one, but we had a pretty competitive game of NC Statopoly one night!

We've got more pictures of our big adventure on Sunday later this week!!