Well...Will and I did not realize that all Christmas trees are not the same across the US. We were expecting thick, big, and very green trees....well they don't grow those out here. So we found a great tree, less full, with a hint of yellow in it for our tree this year.

But despite being surprised about the kind of tree we got, we really enjoyed going out to this little farm, choosing our tree, and then actually sawing it down ourselves. It was a really neat experience, and on our drive back home we got really excited about decorating!

Unfortunately we had some problems with our tree stand, so we had to make a quick trip to a local Christmas tree store and buy a new one. When we returned, our neighbors were outside with their dog (who we usually like) and we were chatting with them while our tree laid on the ground. While we were chatting and trying to figure out our new Christmas tree stand the neighbor's dog decided it was the perfect time to "mark his spot" on our Christmas tree!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As you can imagine, we were not happy campers after our little adventure for the day! So unfortunately we were not able to decorate our tree tonight, as it had to "air itself out".

We'll post more pictures of it when we get it decorated.

All in all, we did have a good afternoon chopping down our tree; let's just say we are very excited about having Christmas in NC next year! :)
OMG! I just almost wet my pants reading that! So sorry about the dog...makes for a good story!:)
TO get eh links on teh side, goto settings, and then one of those settings lets you add links..copy adn paste them in adn name them, then update changes...call me when you do it if you cant figure it out...i need ot update! :)
Great story !! and FUNNY !!!
Glad you found your Charlie Brown tree. Hey, where's the snow?? We had 18 snowflakes here( Elon, NC) yesterday !!
Have you finished all your unpacking yet??? LOL !!
Thinking of you both and hoping all is going well.
Much love
Aunt Betty
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