And here is the same spot in July with the same buoy...

We love that we've gotten several opportunities to see places in winter and summer...so pretty!
So after camping we got up on Sunday and drove up to Crested Butte to see what the town looked like. And to also find a special restaurant!
I watch "The Hills" on MTV and Heidi is from Crested Butte!!! They actually filmed down there last season, and her mom and step dad live there still, and they own a restaurant (which we had to find!)...

Unfortunately it wasn't open for lunch and kind of pricey, so I just had to settle for a picture. And Heidi wasn't in town so we didn't get to see her either...Will was bummed.
Some more pictures of Crested Butte...just the cutest mountain town ever! So small, and everyone rides their bikes around, surrounded by rolling green hills on one side and the mountain in the background...I love it!

We took a scenic route home up a dirt road that our fishing guide recommended...it was so pretty! We drove over the continental divide for maybe the 4th time!
The Collegiate Peaks...notice the clouds!

Taylor Reservoir...

Some other exciting news...we've become true Boulderites! We bought a new fuel-efficient car!

A Volkswagon Passat station wagon! (***Note: this does not in any way imply that we are having kids anytime soon...we just like the extra space in the car for all our stuff when we travel***).
They are so popular in Boulder, we had to go to another town about 45 minutes away to find one!
That's all from our camping trip...we had some friends come out and visit for about a week, so we'll put pictures up from their visit!
that was neat that you got the picture of the buoy in the winter when the lake was frozen over & then to show what it looks like in the summer. Love you-mom
okay love bug - i have waited patiently for my debute on the blog - and have yet to see it .. now i know i know i have yet to do crap with mine - however ...i havent posted in like three months :) love you guys and miss you much.
i love pasasats! im looking at one now....can we go back to crested butte? ill go eat at timberline with you!!!! love the pics!!!
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