AND IT SNOWED WHILE WE WERE HIKING!!! I was so excited because I've been praying for snow before we left CO, but Will on the other hand was not...he chose not to wear a long sleeve shirt or bring a coat to go hiking at 8000 ft + elevation...

We hiked up to Nymph Lake and Dream Lake...one of my favorite hikes in RMNP...Dream Lakes looks similar to Maroon Bells in Aspen...

Dream Lake...

We had to cross this little bridge on our hike, and it was really narrow...we pretended it was a balance beam...

We had a wonderful time on our hike in the snow...and visited the Christmas store in Estes Park, which was great as always! We also had dinner with our great friends out in Boulder this past week and hit up all our favorite restaurants in Boulder...
Dinner with our southern friends Nick and Beebe at their house in Chataqua Park...

Lunch with our NC friend Catherine at Spuds in Boulder, a restaurant that only serves french fries...

Dinner with our neighbors, Cameron and Brad, and their dog Kita...

Dinner at Hapa, Will's new favorite sushi restaurant with Catherine and Mandy...

Breakfast at Lucile's, a favorite breakfast place with friends Emma and Merritt...

Appetizers and drinks with Nick and Beebe on our last night, at Tahona...across the street was the CU pep rally going on with the buffalo, Ralphie and a huge marching band...

Our last dinner in Boulder at Pasta Jays with Robin and Christine...

Then we headed to my favorite bar one last time...the Walrus...they serve my favorite beer, Buff Gold...

It's my favorite bar because they have barrels of peanuts for everyone to eat...I LOVE getting a big handful and eating them...

We had a wonderful last week in Boulder, and are so grateful for all our wonderful friends we made out there! We will certainly miss y'all.
It's so hard to believe it's already been a year...we have done so many fun things and traveled to so many places...it's hard to say what was my favorite thing...ice fishing...fly fishing...hiking...dog sledding....snowshoeing...too many things to choose from.
We have been so blessed this past year in being able to have this fun adventure, and having so many family and friends to support us...for me it's bittersweet coming home...we have so many wonderful memories out in Boulder, and so many wonderful things to look forward to back home in NC.
But we can always come back to visit...
What a wonderful year you had and all of the great memories. It will be a time in your life that you will never forget & treasure forever. You have been very fortunate that you have had this great experience.
But, I'm glad you are back in NC
Heard the good news yall are back in NC (or will be really soon!)!!! Hope all is well and good luck getting back in and all settled!!! Best wishes,
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