We went hunting for cows in NM...just teasing, we bought it as is. We just thought it would be a neat keepsake from our trip down there.
On our drive back we stopped at Bandalier National Monument (which apparently is the most visited national monument in the US, we're still trying to figure out why) and took a walk around some old Indian dwellings. Here is us trying to stay warm...

Apparently the Indians used to build their homes (pueblos) up against the rocks, and there are some ruins left. The holes in the rocks are where they lived.

Will inside a pueblo...don't you just love how he blends right in with his clothing :)

Me climbing into a pueblo...

We also stopped at this church which is supposed to have holy dirt. Legend has it that many many years ago a farmer was praying on this dirt to God for crops and spotted a light in the dirt. He went over and found a cross in the dirt, and prayed. That year he was blessed with a good season of crops, and so built a church atop the spot where he found the cross. Many people heard this story and came to the church hoping to be healed. Apparently many people have come with crutches and left without them, able to walk; the church is lined with crutches, wheeelchairs, and pictures of people who have been healed by the dirt. It was really neat to see...we got a scoop of dirt to take home with us.
And actually...it's so crazy, but the day after we got the blessed dirt, our house in winston rented!

Just a picture of the beautiful sunset across New Mexico...

A view of the Rockies from the road...

Great pictures from your trip. Where are you going to put the cow??!! Safe trip east. Can't wait to see you both!!
Great pictures from your trip. Where are you going to put the cow????
Safe trip east. Can't wait to see you both next week!!
I am soooo loving all the pictures and the commentaries!! Very fun and very interesting ! Can't wait to see you both which is very soon now !!! :-)
Take care and maybe we will having some Spring-time temps for you while you are here !!
Love you
Aunt Betty
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