We hope everyone had a happy new year! We spent new years in Beaver Creek with Will's family. It was so beautiful up there, and extremely cold! We stayed in an incredible house...a mansion!

This house was probably the biggest house I've ever been in with 7 bedrooms and 6 bathrooms! We were so lucky to stay in such a beautiful house! And the view was amazing!

These were the slopes across from our house, but we didn't ski on those. We actually didn't ever see anyone sking on there!

So our first day we skied at Beaver Creek, and it was a challenge! It was snowing, we were under a wind advisory, and the temperature was probably around 10 degrees!
Will's brother and his girlfriend beat us out to the slopes, and skied all day. Will and I went out around 11 or so, and we only made it down the slope once! Haha, but it took us an hour to get down. Both of us are slow skiers (me especially), and the wind was just unbelievable. So by the time we got to the bottom, we were exhausted and frozen!
The next day, we did something different, we went snowmobiling! We left early in the morning, and it was about 3 degrees outside, and went up to 13,000 feet (Beaver Creek is around 9,000 feet elevation, and Boulder is around 5,000).
We got all geared up in our snow gear (which takes us about 20 minutes to get all our layers situated), and headed out to drive our snowmobiles. It was really neat! It's just like driving a waverunner (or so Will says, I didn't drive), and we were in a national park, so the views were breathtaking.
Will and I by the snowmobile...

David and Kelsey (Will's brother and girlfriend)...

Tom on his snowmobile (Will's dad)...

All of us in line following our leader...can you tell who is waving at the camera?

This was my last picture before I had to go back inside...we were on top of a mountain, so beautiful!

We were only out there for about an hour and half, maybe, before I had to go back in because I was so cold! Everyone else stayed out there for another hour and half, while I sat by the fire. It was so much fun, it was just so cold, and I was frozen for the rest of the day! I think I even went to bed cold...
New Years Eve we just hung around the house, ate lots of food, and played games. A very low-key new years eve, but fun and relaxing.
We went skiing one more time, on a beautiful day! We don't have pictures right now, but we'll put some up! And we came back to Boulder last night since Will had to work today. The temperature last night while we were driving home was -4 degrees...I've never seen that temp on my car, it was crazy!
Happy 2008!!!
Happy 2008 ! Very envious of the spectacular scenery I am seeing BUT you can KEEP the bone chilling temperatures ! NO THANK YOU ! I had to wrap up in a blanket just to finish reading your blog !
Much love to you both and Happy New Year.
Aunt Betty
Happy New Years Goodsons'!!!! Miss you!
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